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Audenasa Building with Corten Steel

Corten-A corten steel has always been a representative material for industrial design, the color and strong weather resistance of weathering steel are the reasons why designers choose it. Use weathering steel to express the modern industrial atmosphere of the space, extend the thickness of the rich industrial culture, and awaken and stimulate the modern industrial beauty of the building.
Corten steel plate Corten-A is a special alloy characterised by a high content of copper, chrome and nickel, due to which the layer of corrosion formed over the metals when exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, relative humidity) is particularly dense, highly adhesive, stable and self-regenerating.
The building offers an image derived morphological genesis of his own: a tablet suspended, almost floating on the gentle slope green -slightly twisted-repeating the same gestures that the topography- and offers a gesture of successive concave ribs against the sun
In a flat landscape -almost one-dimensional-, as is the highway, immeasurably longitudinal, the building from where it controls and directs the company, contorts, and stands as lookout (also longitudinal), as a new "lookout" observer...
Two slabs of concrete lattice steel tape the or-ten blocks south and north reused tire. The picture of the complex aims to establish close ties to the movement and infrastructure relating to transport, and perhaps away from the usual urban readings in similar programs.