Corten steel plate Corten-A is a special alloy characterised by a high content of copper, chrome and nickel, due to which the layer of corrosion formed over the metals when exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, relative humidity) is particularly dense, highly adhesive, stable and self-regenerating.
The main materials that make up the building are all possible to find in the original building with five design elements that are worth noting:
weathering steel, reinforced concrete in sight, glass, steel, and wood.
We live in time where throwing things out is easier than to repair, adapt and implement value. However, the objects and buildings that surrounded us have a hidden history that is necessary to discover or rediscover if you will.
The use of the weathering steel (with holes) creates an immediate visual link between past, present, and future.
A building for arts and culture should always be varying degrees of transparency and share and engage your users not only directly but also to the whole community.